Friday, October 10, 2008

Endometrial Biopsy 1 - check

Yesterday I had my first biopsy, I must admit it was uncomfortable! My RE looked at my ovaries and saw no cysts and said they looked good.
Once the "hook" was in place in my uterus, he started scraping and that was painful, not unbearable but it did feel like major mestrual cramps! Lucky the sample retreaval took only 30 seconds. My sample is going to be sent to the lab and tested for inflammation or abnormalities of the cells. Also for any infections. He did reassure me that if they did find something, it's totally treatable!
I have my second one to look forward to on Tuesday. If it's going to help me get pg, it's worth the pain ten times over!
I've also started my shots of Lupron. I'm now taking a cocktail of drugs every day! ;) Right now I'm taking prenatal vitamins, dexamethosone, BCP until saturday, asprin and doxycyclene.
I've also contacted my acupuncturist that I saw a couple of years ago for treatment. The IVF turned out to be a blighted ovum but that had nothing to do with the acupuncture, it was the embryo so I feel that it does help a lot with IVF or TTC all together.
I prayed before I went into my RE appointment; I prayed that my ovaries were ok and to give me strength and patience. I think God is watching over us during this cycle.
DD would be such a wondeful big sister! She loves playing with other kids and loves babies!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

This is great news Kaila. Awesome that you got the first biopsy done and are on your way with Lupron!

Good luck!!