Sunday, October 26, 2008


My apt yesterday went well. I'm on day 8 of stims and my lining is at 12 mm with a triple pattern, my estrodial is at 1299 and my progesterone is at 0.4. I have follies all over the scale, some measuring only 6mm and other in the double digits, I think my largest one is 15mm. I know that they have to all be at least 18mm to be considered mature so I have a little bit left to go. Funny thing, my RE counted only 4 follies on one side but 14 on the other!!! It's so weird to have such a large difference from one side to the other. My RE didn't seem to be concerned at all. He said everything looks good and I'm right on track. After all I only need one good embryo to turn into our new baby!
My dosage has stayed the same, I'm running out of Repronex and Gonal F, I have enough for another 2 days. I have an apt scheduled for Monday at 11am so I will see if I need to call Freedom to have them send me more. They are really good about shipping next day!
I'm getting nervous/excited/anxious now about our next step. We have gone through lots of IVF cycles but this one is the first with PGD. I'm nervous about our results, what if all our embryos are abnormal??? That could be a possibility even though less likely since we had gotten pg on our first IVF (which ended in a 2nd tri m/c through no fault of the embryo). I'm also faced with a huge decision, do we transfer 2 or 3 embryos. We've transferred 2 up until now on our fresh cycles, but since this is our last shot, do we up it to 3? What if all 3 implant? I wouldn't be able carry multiples due to an incompetent cervix, would I risk all 3 and go for selective reduction???? I don't believe in abortion, that would be a really hard decision to make. So many questions, so much uncertainty.....
For now, I'm taking one day at a time, jumping one hurdle at a time and letting tomorrow take care of itself, for now at least!

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